Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What it Means to be a Human

What it Means to be Human?

What it means to be a human? There are many answers you can hear, read, or even find out by yourself. Despite a huge number of answers there still is confusion and uncertainty. What are we? Where did we come from? How did we become the way we are now? Are we alone intelligent species in the universe? How were we created? With every century we hear new hypothesis and theories. Some of them seem crazy and completely insane, some of them make you think and consider a new change in your world outlook. Science and religions controverts each other over and over again answering a question what it means to be a human. However the answer is individual for each and every one of us. It depends on an angle from which person looks through the prism of humanity. In the modern full of machines, rules, cruelty, poverty, truth and lies, wars and happiness world we are the controllers. No other species hold humans behind the bars to show public at the zoo or study in the laboratory. We are conscious much more than other species, we think about future and sometimes regret about the past. The power of human word and thought can change the whole world, however extremely incredible abilities of Koko and other apes do not. We have a power, responsibilities, independency, religions, many languages, freedom, laws to protect and harm us, we are everywhere and it seems sometimes that we can do almost everything.

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